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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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problems using flash

I have a old 35 mm yashica fx-3 camera with a seperate flash that was given to me second hand.when I take pictures using the flash sometimes they come back and the top 1/2 is black. the flash(cs-201) has a dial on the back with different #'s and the on/off switch has manual and automatic settings. I am practicaly camera illiterate so I have no idea what to do.please help!

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December 15, 2006


Jon Close
  The camera's shutter can only sync with flash when set to 1/125 or slower. At faster shutter speeds the focal plane shutter is not open no the full frame, but instead the first and second curtains form a slit that moves across the frame. If set to 1/250 or faster, then when the flash fires the 2nd curtain will be covering a portion of the frame.

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December 15, 2006


Jon Close
  An instruction manual for your Yashica can be found at On further review, at shutter speeds faster than the x-sync, I think it's actually the 1st curtain that is still covering the film when the flash fires. Not that it matters ;-)

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December 15, 2006


  Thank you so much! if it is set there, does it matter where the aperture(?)is set set at? does this change with 200 and 400 film speeds.

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December 15, 2006


Jon Close
  I'm not familiar with the CS-201, but I suspect it is similar to other common flashes of the era. I'm guessing it it has it's own sensor on the front that reads light and automatically adjusts the flash output. It likely has an ISO setting, and a Auto program setting that you need to coordinate with the settings on the camera. Set ISO on the flash to match the film loaded, and set the lens aperture to match that given for the flash's auto setting.

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December 15, 2006


  Thank You. You are my hero. I ruined 2 rolls of baby pic's and was this close to throwing my camera in the garbage.

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December 15, 2006

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