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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Rebecca Argyrides

what are the white speckles on photos


Rebecca Argyrides

Hello, I was wondering if someone could explain why there might be white dots on photos, but not necessarily on all the photos of the same film. I have been experiencing this even though my lenses and filters seem to be clean.

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November 21, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  They look like "glitches"...(a.k.a. tiny specs or imperfections on the original print, slide or negative...depending upon what you scanned).

You can remove some glitches by carefully cleaning the original. The stubborn ones can be zapped out during the scanning process with a program like Digital ICE.

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November 21, 2006

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Most of what I see is normal digital noise that occurs in low light. Noise Ninja or Neat Image could easily clean that up. The big white spec in the upper left is suspect is Venus.

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November 21, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Well Rebecca, since this was on some kind of film, my best guess is this was caused in the film processing maybe poor agitation or gas bubbles in the processor. So, it'd help to know what kind of film this was shot on and what kind of equipment it was processed with, e.g., dip and dunk or roller transport. If it was negative film processed at a local drug store 1 hour mini-lab, that spot you mentioned could also be contaminants in the machine itself from poor maintenance.
Take it light. ;>)

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November 21, 2006


Rebecca Argyrides
  hi again, thanks, the film is a Kodak ISO 200. If this helps
Thanks again.

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November 21, 2006

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