BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Stephanie M. Stevens

Yosemite Gallery

If anyone is going to be in Yosemite National Park anytime in the next month or so, be sure to check out their gallery featuring mammoth format photographs made in the 1860' & 70's. I think it will be up until the end of September, but it might be August, I looked online and couldn't find anything. It was really interseting though, the display is original contact prints made from 18x21" mammoth format plates. The photos are beautiful, of course, but I also found it interesting to see the kind of equipment they hauled around (there is a working replica of the cameras used set up at the exhibit) and read about how they made the photos. Some of them waited several days for the right weather conditions, or cut down trees blocking the veiw to get just the right photograph! BTW, everything says the exhibit is open until 6pm, but they often close around 4 due to staffing problems, we had to go up there 3 different times to get in.

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August 02, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  "Some of them waited several days for the right weather conditions, or cut down trees blocking the veiw to get just the right photograph!"

...I guess I need to add an axe and saw to my camera bag...(Just kidding )

It might be interesting to see how they took photos back then. I've read stories of folks hauling in their gear on pack mules.
When I visited Yosemite many years ago, I had limited equipment and very little knowledge. I vow to return there some day with my full arsenal.
(...Now where did I leave that chain saw?) :)


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August 02, 2006

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