BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How do I price?

Is there a rule of thumb or guide line to go by on pictures? for example weddings, family, senior etc.

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July 25, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Actually, there isn't. It depends on the skill and experience of the photographer, the market the photographer is working in, and the ability of the photographer to sell himself/herself. Assmuming you have the skills, If you price yourself too high, you won't get much work unless you are really better than anyone else in your area. If you price yourself too low, people won't take you seriously - except the bargain hunters. I have seen the website of one of our more frequent posters here who charges a minimum of $350.00 for a wedding. That is much too cheap, especially since she has the skills to charge much more. (If you recognize yourself, that is a compliment.) I have also seen the websites of people (not here, BTW) who charge much much more than that and, in my opinion, aren't as good as the lady who charges $350.00. I would suggest you check to see what others in your area are charging and price yourself accordingly - based on your own skills and experience.

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July 25, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  As Kerry said, there is no "rule."

I walked in on a friend, who owns a framing store and is a quality painter. I asked him how he priced his paintings. After all, dollars per manhour makes no sense.

He said, " I price each picture to be MORE THAN THE LAST ONE.

So, start out reasonably. Surely, your first image - say 8X10 - should be worth $25-50. Then, escalate.

If you can find someone who'll pay $350 for a print - great. I wouldn't buy anyone's photo for that price - cause I take photos. But, it's a marketplace.

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July 25, 2006


Jerry Frazier
  Whatever the market will pay.

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July 25, 2006

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