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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Anita Taylor

Shooting a wedding alone

I know weddings are covered here extensively and I believe I have checked out most of the posts (whew!)---yet I have another question! I am shooting a wedding for a friend and the only question I have is....
what do all you photographers do when you have extra cameras, equipment, etc., and you have NO ONE to help you?

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July 20, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
I have shoved my camera into my Sons hands and had him just back me up.
But that has only been once or twice.
Because I teach, I also network with other photographers, calling when I need 2 or 3.
This works for me, I don't have to keep anyone on payroll anymore, stricktly on call.
Keep in mind, they have no commitment either though.
I only have one date comming up that seems impossible to get help on September 23rd.? whats up with that?
lol,lol, anyway just a thought.
Wishing you the best of luck,

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July 20, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  My second camera is used on a tripod with 800 ISO film for those ceremony shots when I am not allowed to use flash. Otherwise, it just stays in my bag as a back-up. Same thing goes for the extra fhash, etc. I keep extra film inserts in my pockets so I can change film quickly when I run out and re-load them when there is a lull in the action.

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July 20, 2006


Denyse Clark
  Anita- thanks for asking this question, I have been wondering the same thing. I have a wedding (my 2nd) coming up next weekend... I am bringing a second body, lens, flash, etc. and the wedding is at the beach- very public. What do I do with my equipment??? Parking is a 5 minute walk, so not practical. I'm afraid of it being stolen, or of me having to lug a bag with me every time I move to take a shot in another location.

Any suggestions anyone? What do you usually do?

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July 20, 2006


Anita Taylor
  Thank you all for your comments! Any help is appreciated! The wedding/reception is going to be very informal and at a hotel's banquet hall. Many people won't be able to attend because of the size of the room and she is paying for the film, the developing and she is also paying for me to attend($20/person the hotel is charging) so I won't be able to even take one of my sons! I guess a camera bag over my shoulder and one around my neck! Oh, and a tripod, of course :)
Thanks again to everyone!

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July 20, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  If you can't bring along your own schirpa (sp?) you can rent one from the hotel. They're called . . .(got your jumbo #2 lead pencils handy kids?). . . "BELLMEN" (Perhaps the more appropriate term these days is "Bell persons". They even have these things with wheels called "baggage carts" that they store in a lockable closet called [that's right..."The BELLMAN'S CLOSET" [Tips/gratuities not included. Bill your client].

OR check this out. You can now drop a dime or more and buy or lease to own your very own cart to haul your equipment on anywhere. These are incredibly useful vehicles. Great mileage, easy to park, all terrain type of vehicles. Yes, you can even use them to move equipment through (best sit down for this) AIRPORTS !!!!!

Now, if you can't conveniently lock down your stuff, like using a bike chain and lock to attach the handle of a hard case to something sturdy like a water drain pipe and you think some, like a guest, is going to boost your stuff while you're off shooting, you've got a few choices: One: carry a single equipment bag, two, hire and equipment sitter, or # three...find a classier clientele or another gig. LOL !!

Take it light.

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July 20, 2006


Anita Taylor
  Ummm, thanks for the tips Mike. Even the people with only limited funds need pictures they can look back on and photographers like me with little funds will do what we can! I think I have the situation all figured out, thanks for the help :)

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July 20, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Mike who???
Mark ;>)

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July 20, 2006


Pete H


If you do not have someone to "shadow" you and shoot the same shot with the same settings, then PLEEZE, get a 2nd camera and use it.

I got caught once in this and never again will THAT happen.

If your ONE camera breaks down, what will you do?

Weddings for most are a once in a lifetime event. To have a lone photographer with one camera is foolish.

Iam a firm believer in the old adage "If something can go wrong, it will!"

All the best,


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July 20, 2006


Anita Taylor
  Sorry, Mark. I sincerely apologize!

Pete, I do have two cameras! There is NO WAY I would only go with one---I just wouldn't do it at all!

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July 21, 2006

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