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Photography Question 

Paul T. I

Polarizing Filters

I have a Canon EOS 300/ Rebel 2000. I bought a PL filter but I didn't know too much. What's the difference between a PL (linear) and a C-PL (circular). Some of my friends told me that I can't use a PL with an autofocus camera. I'd like to hear your oppinion.

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May 27, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Autofocus cameras require a circular polarizer. Linear polarizers work well with manual focus cameras. If you use a circular polarizer with your EOS, you should do fine. Have fun and keep shooting.

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May 27, 2006


Paul T. I
  So...wrong investment?

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May 29, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  If you bought a linear polarizer, I hate to say this, but yeah, you made the wrong investment. If you have the box and all packing and paperwork, the shop you bought it at may exchange it.
Best of luck to ya.

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May 29, 2006


Bob Chance
  Assuming you bought the filters at a camera store, as you usually don't find these items at Walmart, then I'm surprised the salesperson didn't at least ask you what kind of camera you were using so as to sell you the right kind of filter. But then again, maybe I shouldn't be too surprised at that. Definitely circular polarizer for any and all autofocus cameras.

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May 29, 2006


Paul T. I
  I bought it in Tibet. I thought it can enhance my photos a little bit. There is really no way to get my money back! Anyways, I learned something!

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May 30, 2006


Maurine L. Dodge
  After spending two days inquiring of folks on ebay if the polarizing filter they had was linear or circular, and finding very few who even KNEW there was a difference.. (one guy wrote back and said it was round so it was circular.. go figure) Then writing to each of them to explain that auto focus does not work well with linear, and trying to tell them how to determine what they had, I can simpathize. If you got it on ebay, you can try contacting the seller and see if they will take it back. If you got it anywhere else you can try to work and exchange. If you can't exchange it for any reason, you can sell it on ebay, but please put in your description that it is a linear filter.

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May 30, 2006


Rich Collins
  I'm somewhat puzzeled and enlightened at the same time. Mark when you say a circular polarizing filters definetly for all autofocus cameras, do you mean the ones which do not have any potential for manual focus? Because when I first read your reply I thought, "Wait a second, my Canon 30D does both. So this put the question in my mind, linear when I manually focus and circular when I autofocus? Huh?" But after thinking ot out you must mean that when a camera has no option for manual focusing, then a circular is the only proper filter. But for a camera which can and often within a single shoot does both, then a liner polarizing filter. Tell me I'm right Mark. Please.

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May 30, 2006


Maurine L. Dodge
  Hi Rich,

Cicurlar and linear identify how the polarization is applied to the lens. If you have auto focus it does not need a circular polarizer. If you ever use your auto focus you really should have circular as in the process of focusing the polarizer can potentially mess with your focus. Circular filter work on all cameras, linear work fine with manual focus cameras. At least this is my understanding of the issue.

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May 30, 2006


Rich Collins
  Thanks Maurine.

I do use my autofocus intentionally. Other times I use the manual option. Depends on the situation. So I'll get the circular polarizing filter.

How about a followup question, for Paul; say Paul buys a lens which is a manual only lens, should he then keep his linear for this occassion?

Sorry if this seems self-explanatary to those of you who know, but these sometimes simple questions help us out a lot. Many thanks.

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May 30, 2006


Bob Chance
  If Paul already owns a manual focus only lens and uses it regularly, or even if he uses his autofocus lenses in manual mode often enough, then it would be wise to just keep the linear PL.
If he seldom uses his lenses in manual mode and would find it cumbersome to do so just for the sake of the PL filter, then he might be better off buying a circular polarizer.

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May 30, 2006


Paul T. I
  I don't use very often the M Focus. I use it only when is hard focus on AF mod. I'll buy a C-PL as soon as I can. But is very interesting that after years of C-PL being invented there are still lots of people being tricked. I visted other photo webs, and the problem is the same regarding the PL/ C-PL. Maybe we should start a campaigne! :o)
Thanks for your replies.
All the best and good shots!

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May 31, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  I hate to say it, Paul, but there's still lots of people who use a manual camera. That's why there's still such a market for linear polarizers. I still mainline with a Minolta X700.

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May 31, 2006


Bob Chance

If a C-PL can be used on either manual or auto-focus, but a linear can only be used on manual, then why even keep manufactureing and selling linears?
Is there that much of a cost difference between the two to make it cost effective for the manufacturers?

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May 31, 2006


Maurine L. Dodge
  It is more expensive to produce the circular lens and therefore the cost is usually higher. I have seen circulars for ridiculously high prices. Personally I keep haunting ebay and site like that and quizzing the sellers to see if they can determine what they have. If they can't, I wont bid on it. If they can then usually I can get a pretty good deal.

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May 31, 2006


Paul T. I
  Sorry! I didn't say that manual camera are bad. What I ment is people still don't know the difference between CPL and PL.

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May 31, 2006


Mariusz Sarzynski
  I've been using a linear one with my Olympus E-1 (AF DSLR) and I can't see any difference beetwen it and CPL. There are no problems with autofocus and/or exposure. And it draws very beautifully :-)

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June 01, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  You can use a C-PL with a manual camera, but a L-PL gives more dramatic results. At least, that's what I've found.

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June 01, 2006


Paul T. I
  Hi guys! I have some good news, for those who know my polarizing filters situation. I was able to change my L-PL with C-PL. All I had to do was to pay the difference.
At the end I payed 60 USD for 2 Kenko C-PLs: 58mm and 62mm.

Thanks for your help!

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June 25, 2006

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