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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Caleb L. Adams

What does this do...?''

  the thing on the end
the thing on the end

Caleb L. Adams

  the thing on the end
the thing on the end

Caleb L. Adams

I feel so stupid asking this but I don't understand!
I know this is something to do with the lighting.
But I cant figure out which way it goes on!(or both)
and what does it do?

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May 23, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Looks like an adjustible tripod leveler on the bottom of a tripod foot / leg. You might try telling us what piece of equipment this is on since the lighting is awfully dim and the name on the piece is illegible cause it's out of focus, I guess.

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May 23, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  It is very difficult to distinguish, but it appears to be a rubber lens hood to me. If that is what it is, it simply protects a little stray light from entering the lens from the edges.
Michael H. Cothran

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May 23, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Caleb, are you just trying to play a game here? At the very least, you could present sharper images; these are out of focus.

Still, it does look like a Konica-Minolta lens hood, first in the proper position, and in the second shot in the reversed (for storage) position. It looks like you have a lens cap on the lens as well.

So, to answer your question - it's a lens hood, which, as Michael points out, is there to help prevent flare that is caused by light rays impinging on the lens from angles that aren't otherwise recorded. The reason it is reversable is simply to make the assemply a little smaller for easier storage.

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May 23, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  As other have told you, it’s difficult to tell because the images are blurred and were cropped to tight. Plus, we can’t see the other end.

However, I can guess with the best of them.

Looks like a telescope adapter. If so, with the camera lens removed, this adapter screws or bayonets into the camera in place of the lens. This creates a hollow tube projection 1 ¼ inches (31.75mm) in diameter.

You see, astronomical telescopes feature exchangeable eyepieces. This allows the astronomer to change magnifications just by interchanging different focal length eyepieces. The standard eyepiece is 1.25 inches in OD. While this is the most common diameter there is another standard which is 25mm.

To mount a camera on the telescope the eyepiece is removed and a camera with adapter affixed is installed in its place. Now the main (objective) lens of the telescope becomes the prime lens for the camera. When the camera is mounted in this position the procedure is known as “Prime Focus” photography. Generally the camera plus adapter is too heavy for the standard telescope mount and locks, so a counterweight is applied to the telescope tube near the front.

I have been wrong thousands, maybe millions of times.

Probably this instance just adds one more time to my list of errors.


Alan Marcus

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May 23, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Looks to me like all it is doing right now is just sitting there.

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May 23, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Looks like it says Konica on the side. Looks like it's supposed to be on the lens, so it looks like it may be a filter holder.

Only thing unanimous about what it is, is a crappy picture.

What we got?:
Tripod foot
Lens hood
Telescope adapter
Filter holder
Crappy picture

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May 23, 2006


Caleb L. Adams
Sorry. Is this better? I guess since I know what it looks like I thought everyone else would too. And I took the picture with a Kodak EasyShare with only 2.0 Mega Pixels.

In the first picture, "it" is off the lense(not in the picture) . The second picture It is beside the lense. The third picture it is on the lense.

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May 23, 2006


Caleb L. Adams
Sorry. Are these better? I guess since I know what it looks like I thought everyone else would too. And I took the picture with a Kodak EasyShare with only 2.0 Mega Pixels.

In the first picture, "it" is off the lense(not in the picture) . The second picture It is beside the lense. The third picture it is on the lense.

Sorry for all the inconvience!!!

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May 23, 2006


Caleb L. Adams
  pic. one
pic. one

Caleb L. Adams

  pic. two
pic. two

Caleb L. Adams

  pic. three
pic. three

Caleb L. Adams

ok let me re try that it didnt let me put the pics on here.( this is like one of these times I want to fall through a crack in the side walk.)

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May 23, 2006

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