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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Flash Photography: Some Tips and Tricks

Idiot's Guide to Flash-
I'm so green with photography that I'm still planted in the dirt ... no sprout yet. I need a book or a Web site or some other type of instruction that explains flash (when to use, when not to use, how to take the romantic picture without the "in-your-face" flash).

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May 18, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  LMBO! Your beginning sentence was so funny I had to respond! I don't know if there is a book like what you are looking for but I hope you find it.
A quick and dirty response of when to use flash and when not to is as follows: Use it as sparingly as possible but do use it when there is not enough light to illuminate your subject. Surprisingly, one of the times you really need to use the flash is outside during the bright part of the day. The sun can create harsh shadows on your subject and you will want to add a little flash to fill in those shadows. (Better to shoot in the shade though, if possible.)
To eliminate the "in-your-face" flash, keep the flash out of their faces. Bounce it, diffuse it, whatever you can do to keep from using direct flash.

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May 18, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  If you want to bounce your flash and have nothing to bounce it off of, there are bounce cards made for such a purpose. Lumiquest makes a line that covers most situations, including one with a diffusion screen mounted to it.

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May 21, 2006 - Ann E. Swinford

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann E. Swinford
Ann E. Swinford's Gallery has a wonderful series of discussions on flash by Joe McDonald (look under articles). I am still trying to find a helpful book.

Good luck!


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May 23, 2006



i don't know what kind of camera/flash you have, but for point-n-shoots that have the built-in (pop-up) flashes you can easily diffuse the flash by putting 'frosted' scotch tape right on it! and for added bonus you can safely put back down that flash!

: )

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September 20, 2006

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