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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Camera Value

Yesterday morning, I purchased an old camera at a garage sale. It's a
Zeiss Icon Contessa. Other than the bellows being replaced, the camera looks to be in good shape and original. I've already taken it to the local camera shop to get it appraised, but they could find no value for it. How do I go about finding an approximate value. Everything works on it. I ran a roll of film through it and found no light leaks, and the shutter speeds seem accurate. It takes great photographs.

Does anyone know what it's worth?

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May 13, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
A easy way to get a idea, is to go to ebay and match your equiptment against the market value there.
do this a few times in a months time and you should get a idea of the true price range.
sometimes the first time around is low, due to the right bidders not being there.
just a thought for ya,

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May 13, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Debby;

I already did that. I didn't see one. I know this thing's gotta be worth some bucks, but it's not on ebay. I also tried four different camera sites, but nobody seems to have a clue. I did get an offer for two grand which is a couple of thousand times what I paid, but I'd really like to know what the actual value is.

Thanks anyway, Debby
Mark H.

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May 13, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  My spellchecker must be down. It's Ikon, not Icon.

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May 13, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Mark : You might call Russ Levin or one of his fellows at Camera West in Monterey, CA They tend to deal in a lot of the more esoteric stuff and have the "classic" catalogs with accurate buiy/sell prices...or they used to anyway. Also, give KEH a call in Atlanta. Talk to a sales rep there like Jeannie and see if she can get you a price. Other than that, enjoy the thing. Afterall, it IS a classic !!

Take it light.

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May 13, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Thank's Mark. I'll probably be on the horn to em Monday. I found two on ebay, but I know they're worth more than $140. Of course, I bought a $180 motor drive for $50 on ebay. I'm just looking for the true value.
Thank's again,
Mark H.

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May 13, 2006


Bob Chance

Have you tried the Shutterbug ads. I know years ago they used to deal in a lot of used equipment.
The name of the camera alone sort of rings a bell with me. A Zeiss Ikon Contessa was quite a camera as I remember and probably is worth some bucks to the right collector.


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May 14, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  I know. Shutterbug hasn't had an ad showing Carl Zeiss equipment in quite a while. This thing has even got the Carl Zeiss optics. AND, the meter works (I had to find a modern replacement battery) thanks to Lawrence Photo & Video in Springfield, MO.

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May 14, 2006


Bob Chance
  Another source you may try would be KEH photo. I know they handle quite a bit of old equipment including Leica and Zeiss. Might be worth a shot.
Or perhaps do a search for collectors?


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May 14, 2006


Bob Chance

I found this sight which is the Internet listing of camera collectors.
Perhaps there is someone on there that can give you the information your looking for. Maybe even a buyer if your interested in selling.


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May 14, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  I sent out a couple of emails through them. Just waiting to hear back. Thanks Bob

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May 14, 2006

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