BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Paul D. Carter

Fuji 1600 film for Las Vegas available light photo

Ar the colors of Fuji 1600 film
good and would this film speed, type
be good for taking photos of Las Vegas Strip (available light photos)?

I have used 1000 speed Kodak
film to take Vegas Strip photos
(without flash) also, but I have been
advised that this speed in no longer sold.

I am most concerned that the colors
of this 1600 film speed, (Fuji)
may not be good, that is, pale, etc.

Please advise.


Paul Carter

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May 05, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Paul, I've used Fuji 1600 for indoor concerts (small venue, no flash, darkened club with spotlight on the singer) and the colors have been fine - off course, there's some grain, but you can't avoid that.

You could also try Fuji 800 speed film (not much different than 1000 in terms of speed) or take a roll of 800 underexposed by one stop and have the lab "push process" to bring up the images. Of course, if you want to go nuts you could push the 1600 to 3200 by underexposing that 1 stop and telling the lab.

You'll need to use a real photo lab for this pushing business; I doubt the clerk at the drug or department store will know what you're talking about, much less be able to do it.

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May 05, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  I've pushed Fuji 800 to 3200 with decent results.

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May 07, 2006

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