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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Sam B. Endicott

Older Hawk-Eye Camera

I collect older cameras and I just purchased a older Hawk-Eye Camera with the book included. The book says Nos. 2 and 2A Hawk-Eye Cameras Model B. It is a very old Camera, I belive from around 1926-1929. I can not find much info on it or any pics of it on the net. I can not open the camrea fully because of it's age, but it is still a neat camera to look at. If anyone can give me any info on this little odd camera, please do. Thanks.

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April 28, 2006


Peter Mantione
  Check this link

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April 28, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  I found a list of some of the models & dates HERE. They only have pictures of the later ones, which were plastic.

Does your Hawkeye more look like THIS? I have one like this one, and a couple of the later plastic ones.

Search Google for Kodak Hawkeye and you'll surely find some more info. I found THIS neat page with lots of pictures of Brownie cameras.


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April 28, 2006

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