BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Carlito M. Cahilig

how to shoot a wedding?

it's my first gig & I want to make a good impression ,can anybody help?

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April 19, 2006


Justin G.
  #1. Load film/memory.
#2. Put camera to face.
#3. Press button.
#4. Develop/PP.
#5. Deliver.

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April 19, 2006


Justin G.
  lol just being a smart-elic. If you could tell us what equipment you have and will be using and how much you know about the basics in photography, maybe we can help you more! No offense but it's a pretty vague question on a subject that countless textbooks have been written.

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April 19, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
Could you please be just a bit more spacific about the information you are looking for.
and maybe a bit about what equiptment you have at this time.
and I am sure you will find quite a bit of help.

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April 19, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Carlito;

Why don't you try shadowing a professional wedding photographer a few times before you shoot your gig. You can learn a lot that way. Pay close attention to how he poses the subjects, His technique, How he handles himself. Get the feel for weddings before you shoot one.

Have fun and keep shooting,

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April 23, 2006


Carlito M. Cahilig
  thanx to any 1 w/ a reply.

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May 01, 2006


Jerry Frazier
  just point and shoot. anyone can do it. it's so easy, that paying more than $500 should be a crime.

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May 01, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
  Boy is that a radiculas comment!
give me a break.

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May 01, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Got your daily dose of Marx Brothers today, huh Debby?

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May 01, 2006


Jerry Frazier
  debbie, you should be able to smell the sarcasm in my comment, even over the internet. it fit the question, I thought.

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May 02, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
  Hey Mark,
No I never tire of you guys, I am on hit an dmiss right now prepareing for a business trip.

Oh, Joe, I am almost brain dead about now, smell, sight, compute what are these things?

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May 02, 2006

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