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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Nighttime photo problems

I am fairly un-skilled with camera's so this will be a pretty basic question. I have a Canon Rebel 2000 and have found that I commonly have issues with Nighttime photos. When there is any time of red light in the backround (Flame, Colored lights) I opten find that the picture ends up with a red glow throughout. I also have issues when there is not enough light in the back round. Even though I have a seperate flash, The camera often flashes many times which tells me it does not to take the picture. I often switch the camera to TV and adjust the aperture around 1500 which somehow will force the camera to take the picture. Should I be making different adjustments?

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March 28, 2006


Samuel Smith
  welcome chris,
aperture 1500?i don't know what your setting but I don't think it's the aperture,maybe shutter speed.??
the many flashes could be for focus assist,not sure on your camera.
and the red glow sounds like your overexposing.not really sure without seeing a photo.
good luck,hope you get some better help,sam

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March 29, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Chris;

Are you shooting in or toward a town or city? If you are near a town or city, the lights can have that effect on night shots. I've shot photographs toward the city of Chicago, and had the glow show as far as thirty miles out. It's am atmospheric thing. It's worse on cloudy nights.

If you have the manual for your camera, look up low light photography. It will help with the settings on your camera. If you don't have the manual, you may be able to download it, sometimes free from

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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March 29, 2006


Scott L. Burnett
  there are some good tutorials on this site, and other sites on the internet check them out. you might want to read the ones on exposure

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March 30, 2006

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