BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Ronald Ponkey


What is the best way to handle a scenario where a client hires you as the wedding photographer, picks up her proofs with no complaints, finishes the wedding package with no complaints, inspects the finished wedding package with no complaints and signs a studio receipt which says she has inspected the completed package and is satisfied. Then a month or two later, sends a letter or E-Mail to you with allegations of unprofessionalism, unhappy about the work and states she will file a complaint with the BBB?

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March 20, 2006


John G. Clifford Jr
  Well, I'd send her an email (or letter) back, by registered mail, asking what she is SPECIFICALLY so unhappy about.

Quite frankly, in any business, you get what I call the "One Percenters"... those people who just will NOT be made happy despite what you do. In my business I had a customer who purchased an expensive optical item from me, brought it back a week later saying it was no good, I looked at it and it was perfectly fine. The buyer obviously had buyer's remorse... but then he started being really verbally abusive to my staff and myself. I asked him to simmer down and then asked him what he wanted. He wanted a full refund. Fine. But then he started to impugn my character and the character of my business. I gave him a full refund and told him that he was no longer welcome in my store, and that if he felt that way he could stay away... and that I would call the police and have him arrested for trespassing the next time he entered the premises. He left in a huff... and the dozen or so people in my lobby started clapping.

If you have the stuff you say you have, then be prepared to show it/send copies to the BBB. I don't think you'll have any problems with them.

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March 20, 2006

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