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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Jake Trexel

Halogen lights

Would those little Halogen lights that are used for reading, and are on a goose neck work to take indoor pictures ? I am using a Nikon FM3a color film asa 400.

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March 09, 2006


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Hi Jake - They work very well for small subjects (still lifes, macros etc). I have got some very dramatic results using them. Cheers, Glenn.

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March 09, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  just be sure to set to the correct white balance for the type of lighting.

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March 09, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  I don't think you'll find a white balance setting for halogen lights. I think some are close to daylight, while some are definitely more towards the blue end.

I think with halogen lights, your best bet would be to use Auto white balance and make adjustments in post processing if needed.


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March 09, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  what about a white or gray card?


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March 09, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  Yes, you could use a white card to set a custom white balance for your lighting setup.

Personally, I never use custom WB. If you are going to take a bunch of pictures with EXACTLY the same lighting - including the same blend of artificial and ambient light - then I could see where using a custom WB might save you some post processing time. That is, if your custom WB setting worked. I just choose not to use it. To each his own.

About the gray card. Someone posted on another thread about using a gray card for setting custom WB. I still think this is incorrect. I've read the instructions for several cameras and they all say to use a white object. The purpose of the setting is to show the processor how much the color of the light source differs from daylight. It compares the test image to what it knows "white" should be and does the math. How can this possibly work with a gray card? Can someone back me up here?


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March 09, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  The advantage of the negative/positive system is: Small errors made during the taking session are negated during the printing cycle. Modern photofinishing printers scan each negative and custom adjust the color and intensity of the exposing light for each frame. The resulting print is normally corrected for exposure and color. It’s OK to shoot with halogen or photo floods or standard tungsten lamp when using color negative film. Avoid mixing different light source types.

Alan Marcus

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March 09, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros

Thanks Alan, I overlooked the mention of the Nikon film camera!

Craig - our white balance discussion is obviously irrelevant to Jake's question.

I'm still interested in hearing anyone else's opinion on the gray card thing, though.


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March 09, 2006


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Jake, I always use a gray card and have no problem. Cheers, Glenn.

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March 10, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  lol.. chris. I think the gray card works because its a neutral tone. Probably sets the camera to "Zero" so to speak... Im not sure, but it does work. I do much in the way of shooting in a studio set type thing, but when I do I use "P" mode, RAW and my 420ex flash, bounced off the white ceiling...seems to work fine for listing objects on

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March 10, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  But are you using the gray card to set exposure or custom white balance? There is a huge difference.

Well, obviously if you're in P mode, you're not using the gray card for exposure, the camera is setting the exposure. And if you're using flash in P mode, you don't really need to adjust your WB anyway.

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March 10, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  yes, that is why I use the flash and "P" mode. Like I siad, it works for listing items on ebay..thats all I need it for, other than that, I shoot mainly outdoors.'

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March 10, 2006

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