BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Night Photography

I have Nikon FM10 camera with 35-70 and 70-300 lens. Which film should I use for night photography and how much should be the appearature and speed.

Landscape under Moonlight
Buildings glittered with light and lamps.

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March 06, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
I used Fuji ISO 400 on this one.

Have fun and keep shooting,

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March 06, 2006


Ken Raymond
I like shooting slide film for night photography, ISO 100 for fine grain and your exposures will vary with the composition. Experience will be your best guide, but if your shooting the moon over a landscape and you want the landscape to be schilouette you need to shoot just after dusk and a good place to start your metering is to put the moon in the outer corner of the frame where it will only account for 25% of the meter (ie: outside of the circle in the viewfinder, inside the circle accounts for 75% approx.) then recompose the shot and fire away. I would suggest bracketing heavily and recording your exposures until you get a feel for what you like.

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March 07, 2006


Ken Raymond
  I like shooting slide film for night photography, ISO 100 for fine grain and your exposures will vary with the composition. Experience will be your best guide, but if your shooting the moon over a landscape and you want the landscape to be schilouette you need to shoot just after dusk and a good place to start your metering is to put the moon in the outer corner of the frame where it will only account for 25% of the meter (ie: outside of the circle in the viewfinder, inside the circle accounts for 75% approx.) then recompose the shot and fire away. I would suggest bracketing heavily and recording your exposures until you get a feel for what you like.

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March 07, 2006

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