BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Rob Ostby

Better quality black & white uploads

All of my images are film negatives, which have been manipulated(dodge & burn)under the enlarger. Then hand printed in standard chemistry. I recently opned my web site and was told the best way to get the best image was to scan the negs. & not the prints. The only problem is, the negs. then need to be reworked digitally. Can anyone tell me if I buy a quality scanner, can I get good quality from print scans to upload to my web site. I would like my images to appear as they are hand printed.


Rob Ostby

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March 05, 2006


Justin G.
  Actually at the small resolutions for internet sites, you won't notice a difference between prints and negs. And if you're dodging and burning, + and - contrast in the darkroom, just scan your final print and you'll already have what you want, you might just need to make some small adjustments and you'd be good to go. I'm not sure of many scanners...I use a CanoScan 8400F and can give me 20.48 MB optical scans and interpolated can give me 368MP scans. It can scan at 3200dpi and it scans 35mm negs/slides (color and mono) and also 120/220 negs/slides (color or mono). But also scans the prints VERY VERY well when you use in combination with photoshop and it's great sharpening techniques.

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March 06, 2006

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