BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Dawn Cagle

Will photoshop work with pictures on a disc?

If you have your film prints put on disc can you work with them in Photoshop? Please don't laugh, I'm technologically challenged.

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March 04, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  yes. Any of those file types you see listen when you save something when you're in photoshop, jpeg tiff bmp png etc...

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March 04, 2006


Ken Raymond
  Yes, you can work on them but if you don't have the ability to burn the changes back to a disk you will only be able to keep them on your computer or upload them. Many camera shops do let you FTP the images to their sites for printing.

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March 07, 2006


Dawn Cagle

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March 07, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  i have tried the Kodak disc and was upset at the quality they were. Small Jpeg files... I mean for photo sharing they were fine but for manipulation and to put on a site in a gallery... Im not sure I would. I just bought an Elan 7 (canon EOS) and I dont have a clue why... lol I like the pics I get with film but my old HP scanner is the pits, its got so many dead pixels when it scans in an image it looks like it was snowing!
Id dump it but I love the printer.. it does such a great job...

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March 07, 2006

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