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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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what film for shaded weddings.

Help. I am shooting my first wedding for a friend. When I went to check out the wedding spot before the wedding there were lots of trees and the sun was behind the mountain. This is a low light situation and my exposures are between a 10th to a 30th of a second with kodak portra NC 400. I tried adjusting my iso to 800 sp. film but it didnt make much of a difference. Instead my exposures were a 20th to 60th of a second. I think 800 sp film will work but everyone is telling me not to use 800 sp film because it is too grainy to blow up pictures. What do I do?????? The wedding is March 10th and I thank you for your quick response. Thank you, Ashlee.

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February 28, 2006


Justin G.
  Ashlee, what lenses/camera(s) are you using?? 1/60 isn't that bad of a speed, just have a tripod handy for the posed shots in the shaded area like you tested. You should be able to shoot your 400 @ 800 with no problem. They say you can push it 1-2 stops and pull it 1 stop so 800 won't really hurt you. If you're on a tripod even speeds of 1/30 will easily capture a posed couple.

Disclaimer: I've never shot a wedding but this is just general portraiture during the posed session. Other people will chime in here who have shot weddings who can elaborate more with personal experiences. Good luck.

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February 28, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  In my view, you're really not going to be able to use a tripod from any practical point of view. Set up time, and the myriad of other things you need to be aware, of won't permit it.

You shouldn't use high speed film. You want grainless photos for the wedding album. Stick to ISO 100 or 200 [max.] Don't be afraid of using flash, especially if you have a removable, dedicated unit. But, I wouldn't rely on the little built in ones [I assume you're using an SLR.]

And, if you use said flash, definitely stay away from any film speed greater than ISO-200 as you may get pinkish to reddish skin tones.

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March 01, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  I started to disagree with John (which I very rarely do 'cause he knows his stuff) about the film speed since I use Portra 400NC a lot. However, I am shooting with a MF camera so the larger negative (less percentage of enlargement) kinda negates the increase in speed. I would stick with Portra 160NC and use the flash (the small on-board flash is a no-no as John said.) In fact, you should definitely use the flash. There are almost always shadows ther on the outside, even if you don't notice them with your eye. The film will so you need fill flash. Do stay away from the 800 speed film. The only time I use 800 speed film is during the ceremony when flash is not allowed. A tripod will come in handy when flash is not allowed or when you are shooting some of the posed shots but you won't be able to use it for most of the shots. Gotta work too fast.

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March 01, 2006


  i used 400 speed film almost exclusively with flash for weddings all the time. no issues. and, that was back in the days when I used flash for 100% of my shots. now I use flash for about 10%.

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March 01, 2006

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