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Jennifer Webster

Looking for conversion chart

A friend of mine loaned me his enlarger. This enlarger has a color enlarger over the bessler 23c. I am looking for the conversion chart to use the color dials as BW filters. I was told that there is one and it can be more accurate than buying the b/w filters. If anyone knows where I can get one I would appreciate it.

Thank you in Advance,

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February 27, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
I did a couple searches, and some forum comments I read said that some Variable-Contrast papers have a conversion chart on the information data sheet that comes in the box. Check your paper to see if it has any info.

Whether or not it is more accurate than using a set of VC filters I think is a moot point.

Contrast is subjective. The "correct" contrast filter for a print is the one that gives a result that you like the best.

I can see where a chart would be a big help, though, since you could dial in the equivalent of say a #3 filter to get a starting point. And then the dials would give you more control to make adjustments.

A test strip will still be your best tool for finding the setting that works.


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February 27, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  Valuable contrast paper is multi-coated. One low contrast coating sensitive to green light, the other a high contrast sensitive to blue light. The enlarger’s incandescent printing lamp radiates both colors. Exposure without filter exposes both coatings resulting in a normal contract grade 2. Since a yellow filter is a blue light blocker, strong yellow filtration such as 200Y allows only green light to reach the green sensitive low contrast coating. Likewise a magenta filter is a green blocker. Exposing with a strong 200M exposes only the blue sensitive high contrast coating. Grade 0 through 5 is achieved using different strengths of yellow and magenta filters.

0 200Y
0 90Y
1/2 70Y
1 55Y
1 1/2 30Y
2 None
2 1/2 5M
3 25M
3 1/2 50M
4 80M
4 1/2 140M
5 200M

Alan Marcus

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March 10, 2006


Justin G.
  wow Alan this is very helpful. The majority of the enlargers at the college I use have the filter holders broken so sometimes I get stuck holding a filter in place for 20-45 seconds at a time and doing multiple prints, my arm gets tired! I'll just switch to a color head now and play with these! thanks a many.

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March 10, 2006


Jennifer Webster

Thank you so much. This is make things much easier for me!

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March 10, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
Slight revision: The 200Y is grade 00
sorry the 00 did not copy correctly on my previous posting.

00 200Y
0 90Y
1/2 70Y
1 55Y
1 1/2 30Y
2 None
2 1/2 5M
3 25M
3 1/2 50M
4 80M
4 1/2 140M
5 200M

Alan Marcus

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March 10, 2006

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