BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Jon K. Tormoehlen

Define a term

this may be silly but I am getting differnt answers from people. I think I know the answer but please comfirm. Print : define

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February 27, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  What test are you taking?

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February 27, 2006


Jon K. Tormoehlen
  i am not taking any test my friend is taking a calss in photoghraphy and I took one class in college in it, and she thinks I don't know anything, so could you please help me out so she can see it from someone else, what it means?! thanks so much and she sasays thanks as well

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February 27, 2006


Justin G.
  i guess i'm not understanding the question: are we supposed to define "print"??

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February 27, 2006


Jon K. Tormoehlen
  yeap! that is what we are supposse to be proving the defintion. I said it is a mark made by pressure : impression. Am I right!!!!???

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February 27, 2006


Justin G.
  google says 'the result of a printing process'. I think either would be suitable.

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February 27, 2006


Samuel Smith
  an impression without ink or lead will result in no print!$#%^&%$#,i'd say no.

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February 27, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Foot print, finger print, imprint, photo print. Where are we going, what are we going to do once we get there?

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February 27, 2006


Samuel Smith
  all rhetorical gregory.

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February 27, 2006

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