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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Isaac Smith

Problems with Asahi Pentax K1000

I have an Asahi Pentax K1000 that is currently not working. I am (relatively) new to photography, and I've had other problems with this camera before. Currently, I am using my camera for an art project, so I do need these pictures. The problem I have been having has stopped me, though. I have gotten good pictures from this camera before, and it is definitely an excellent camera, but with the last two rolls of film that I developed, I recieved no prints at all. With the first of the two rolls, the film never advanced. The issue is with the second of two rolls. I bought a roll of film at Wal*Mart (I don't think that has anything to do with it, but maybe it's the film?); it was Kodak UltraColor 400 speed film. When I took the film over to Wal*Mart to have it developed, I was promptly called back to the photography department only to be told that the film was ruined. I have pictures of the camera, the film, etc. below (or wherever they are; this is my first post). I don't know if the problem is with the camera or with the film. The roll of film, which did advance (unlike the last one) yeilded no pictures, so I don't know what's happened. Please answer quickly.

- Isaac

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February 08, 2006


Isaac Smith
  Back of Pentax
Back of Pentax
I figured I'd let you guys take a look at the camera first. Here's the back of it.

Isaac Smith

  Front of Pentax
Front of Pentax
Here's the front of the camera. I feel like I'm getting ready to auction it on eBay. That isn't going to happen.

Isaac Smith

  Ruined film
Ruined film
Here's the film that the Pentax ruined. Everything on the side has been ripped off, and the starter of the film was ripped when I took it out of the camera.

Isaac Smith

  Pentax and film
Pentax and film
Here's the Pentax K1000 and the film that it ruined. I'm not that happy with it, but not willing to give it away. From what I've gathered, it's worth more because it was made in Japan. Although, I don't think it's worth very much at the moment, because it doesn't work. By the way, all these pictures were taken with a Fuji Finepix S5100.

Isaac Smith

Sorry, I misunderstood how to get the pictures uploaded. Here they are (hopefully...):

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February 08, 2006

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