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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

why does my photos appear grainy??

my pictures after printing are appearing too grainy..with minute spots ...which are visible ..and so awkward to look at.....

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January 23, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  You haven't indicated whether you speaking of color or B&W images, and you haven't discussed your exposure or the size of the prints you're viewing.

Faster films [ISO-400, -800, and 1600] will produce grainier negatives than ISO-100 and ISO-200 films. That's a fact of life.

As you increase the size of the print any grainy aspect of the image will become more obvious. An sharp negative [ISO-100] can easily be printed to sizes of 16"X20" with very limited graininess.

Certain films are "less grainy" than other. For example, Kodak T-Max B&W are manufactured to have smaller silver halide crystals and, therefore, less grain.

There are differences associated with the paper used to make the prints. Since I'm not a wet darkroom expert, I'll leave that discussion to others.

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January 23, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  Also, when I have taken pictures that are supposed to be somewhat dark tend to come out really grainy when they're printed at one hour places. They try to lighten them up because they might seem to dark. Also, just under or over exposure being corrected will normally lead to more grainy pictures. For example, I have taken a number of firework photos in the past and since the sky is so dark compared to what I really exposed it to be, they one hour lab where I took my color film tried to lighten them. Since that was beyond the films latitude (that they tried to push it to) it printed grainy. If you know your exposure is correct, ask them to try not to lighten them or darken them too much possibly. Can you post some photos to show? And yes, higher ISO films generally show more grain as well.

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January 23, 2006

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