BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Carla Mospan

Frozen film

I store my film (Tmax 100, Elitechrome 100, 200, 400 and Ilford SFX 200) in the frig, but it recently went a little goofy and froze everything overnight. Is all my film ruined?

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January 17, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  No. I store mine in the freezer anyway. A refrigerator will slow down the aging of the film. Freezing it will almost completely stop the aging.

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January 17, 2006


robert G. Fately
  As Kerry, said, Carla, freezing per se will not damage the film and prevents aging all the more than refridgerating. Just givei t more time to thaw.

Of course, this assumes the cannisters themselves were not opened - any moisture capped in there with the film will tend to freeze onto the film in a freezer and when thawed will lead to potential streaks. But if you've left the film cartridges in their little cans they should be dandy.

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January 17, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Just make sure you thaw them out to room temperature with the canisters open to avoid condensation.
Happy Shooting.

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January 17, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Mark H. said "Just make sure you thaw them out to room temperature with the canisters open to avoid condensation.
Happy Shooting."

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! Carla, DON'T open the cannisters when you pull them out of the freezer. I think Mark H. meant for you to leave them closed. THAT way condensation will form on the cannisters and NOT on the film. The cannisters contain an inert gas that is meant to keep moisture from forming. Open the can, lose the gas, you may have problems.

Also, (cause I know someone out there is thinking about this one...DON'T attempt to thaw film in the microwave or standard oven. While manufactuers usually recommend thawing for a few hours before opening and using the film, my own preference is to pull it out of the freezer the day before and allow 24 hours warm-up time to room temp. Whaddya think Kerry?

Mark F.

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January 19, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Sorry Carla & Mark F.. I wasnt thinking.

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January 19, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Definitely don't want to pass that gas too early! I too take mine out of the freezer the day before I shoot. With my MF film, I leave it in the foil wrap until a little while before I start shooting.

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January 20, 2006

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