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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Steve Warren


Hi All,

I'm working on my technique and would love a little constructive critism?

Be gentle! LOL



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January 14, 2006


Pete H
  Hi Steve;

OK..gentle. Mean and straight to the point works better. LOL Just kidding.

In the pic you posted, there is too much head room. That has a tendency to detract from your subject. Crop a little tighter.

YOu titled your pic "Ice Cream." I really can't tell what she is eating?

I see a lot of graininess in the photo, but perhaps this is what you intended.


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January 15, 2006


Steve Warren
  Thanks Pete. it's actually my girlfriend and I guess I was so happy with the expression on her face that I neglected the basics.

I'm working on a tighter-cropped version with the backround highlights darkened a bit.

Thanks again!


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January 26, 2006


Denyse Clark
  I tend to check peoples gallery if they are critiquing my work to see if I take their opinion seriously, so feel free to check mine out before you listen to my opinion, haha.

This photo is interesting in the grainy look, I like that. A little less head room/more of her would've been good like Pete said, and maybe a sly look at the camera from her.

I looked at your gallery and really loved some of those. Moon over NYC was incredible, that soft feel you have going. I love The Cows and the Great Wall I think the composition is very pleasing.

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January 27, 2006


Robyn Gwilt
  Hi Steve, the white 'thing' in the pic above her head (sky) is distracting, so yes a tighter crop might be better. Gentle tip: Don't shoot pix of your girlfriend - you'll be less inclined to get so excited! :)

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January 27, 2006

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