BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Desiree C. Preckwinkle

SB-600 with Nikon Cameras

I have the Nikon N-80 and the D-70 camera and I have the SB-50 flash for my Nikon N-80, and the SB-600 flash for the D-70, and was curious if I can get rid of the SB-50 and will the SB-600 work for my N-80 film camera as well? Please let me know if you have any information, and I know the SB-50 does not work with the D-70. Thanks.

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January 12, 2006


John Rhodes
  Desiree, try it and see...


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January 12, 2006


Lisa Caswell
  Desiree, I have a N-80 and a D-70s and I use my SB600 on both cameras.

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January 12, 2006

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