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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kaitlen E. Bohner

senior project ideas please

I am a senior in high school and I have chosen to do my project on photography. We have to turn in a final project that can be displayed for our presentation. What would be the best way to display photography? I want it to look like I spent a lot of time on it and that I worked really hard. A display board with a bunch of photos on it seems inadequate.

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January 12, 2006


Janessa L. Taber-Webb
  I agree, a display board with a bunch of photos wouldn't be very nice, or creative.

Do you know how to use photoshop? If you do e-mail me and I will give you some cool ideas.....


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January 12, 2006


Pete H
  "I want it to look like I spent a lot of time on it and that I worked really hard."

Do you plan on spending a lot of time and working hard, or do you just want people to believe you did?


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January 12, 2006


Kaitlen E. Bohner
  Ofcourse I want to spend a lot of time on it. I already have. I just really don't know how to convey that to my teacher. Unfortunatey, I don't have photoshop and my computer is pretty much ancient. Thanks for responding.

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March 02, 2006


Michelle Ochoa

Maybe you nicely frame some of your best photos, with nice mats and frames, and mount them to a thick foam core or wood or something that would make it look like a piece of "wall". LIke you're bringing in a piece of a gallery your art is displayed in. Just a thought.

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March 02, 2006


Rebecca A. Steed
  Depending on the equipment you have, you could make your display look somewhat like a photography studio. Michelle gave me the idea. If you have them, you could set up a camera and tripod, a 'backdrop' with props and add your framed photography pieces. Without knowing exactly what you did for your project to portray 'photography' this is the best I can do.

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March 03, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
A display board with a lot of pictures on it-framed, photo shoped etc. does Not sound like something that would take a lot of time and effort.
But if you were to pick a subject about/ with in Photography and
tell about it, how and what is needed to get in to and succed .
Would be great and REAL informitive.
You just pick a field in Photography:
Portrait, sport,Photojurnalisum,Ariel,
etc. any of these should be so intresting to you as a lover of the art, that you could make a VERY impressive display with some real quaility information.
just a thought. I wish you the best of luck ,a lot of fun and an "A",

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March 03, 2006


Debby A. Tabb
  PS: regarding:"Unfortunatey, I don't have photoshop and my computer is pretty much ancient. Thanks for responding."
there are plenty of Magizines etc. to help- before computers we did a lot of these assignments cut and paste:

with real scissors and

best of luck.

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March 03, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Gee, I thought "cut and paste" still did mean scissors and rubber cement. Guess I'm still stuck in the past. lol

Kaitlen, if I was your teacher, I would be more impressed if you picked a theme and shot pictures around that scene than I would be with a fancy display. Of course you can still make a fancy display but one with images of disparate subjects would not be as impressive as one with a theme. You could pick a theme like reflections and then display pictures with reflections off water, people in morrors, etc. Or, if you pick something like sports, display not only pictures of the action on the field, but also pictures of the action and emotion off the field (like on the bench, in the stands, emotional shots, etc.). The choice of a theme is up to you but I assure you that if you do pick a theme getting the required pictures will take a lot of work and that will show.

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March 03, 2006


Michelle Ochoa
  Yeah, that's what I meant ;-)

Great ideas Debby & Kerry.

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March 03, 2006


Bret Tate

The high school senior projects in my area must also offer some value to the community. If that is the case in your school as well, here is an idea that may be enjoyable and provide value.

How about -

Go to a local animal shelter and do formal portraits of the animals. Make some nice matted and/or framed prints and auction them off as a fundraiser for the animal shelter?

Just a thought. Good Luck!

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March 03, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Sometimes I just can't resist tossing in my 3 cents worth. I'm with Pete and Kerry. I had to do a similar project my senior h.s. year for a humanities class. The subject matter and how it was treated was more important than how it was displayed, although one criteria was that the entire senior class of about 400 students had to be able to see it.

What I decided on was a photo essay on a major commercial airport and a multi-media slide presentation using projectors, dissolve units (anyone remember those) and set the whole thing to stereo music. It took almost 6 months to shoot, process, print and reshoot into slides, edit and then make the music tape.

Interestingly, a P.R. person at American Airlines helped me get access to some of the areas I needed in exchange for inviting her to come see the thing when it was finished. As it turned out, that literally landed me my first commercial assignment. So Kaitlen, think of this not only as a photographic opportunity, but one to build future contacts with and put together a presentation that can be viewed by anyone and preferably one that's pretty portable.

Take it light.

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March 03, 2006


Kaitlen E. Bohner
  Thanks so much for all the help. All of your ideas are great. I will try to cobine them all to make an outstanding presentation that will leave an impression on my teacher. I really like the idea of shooting a lot of pictures of a certain theme and then displaying them together. What do you guys think of taking pictures of things like storm clouds, people crying, barren trees, wilted flowers, snow, etc. and then displaying them together, hopefully to convey the theme of sadness or depression. I could also do joy or happiness with pictures of budding flowers, bright sunny days, or happy babies.

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March 06, 2006


Alan N. Marcus
  Consider a theme for a photo essay. For example walk around the neighbor and photograph a sign or house number with the numeral 1. Then go for a sign with the numeral 2 then 3 etc. Or check out hamburger signs. See how many different burger types there are like Fat Burger – Giant Burger – World’s Best etc. Or: shoot peoples feet, see the different shoe and laces people wear. Mount on a display board. Or a single fine print , my favorite, a white egg on a white plate.
Good luck
Alan Marcus

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March 07, 2006


Rebecca A. Steed
  What about a theme on how age is only skin deep? you could get some shots of senior citizens dancing and laughing, some shots of young and old playing together, maybe a toddler wearing his daddy's shoes, etc.

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March 07, 2006

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