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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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BetterPhoto Member

Replacement for Ilford SFX200 ?

Ilford SFX 200 is no longer being manufactured and I am looking for a replacement. When used with a dark red filter, this film gives a very high contrast infared quality to the print. It has extended red sensitivity, but not so extended that it can only be loaded and unloaded in the darkroom making it very convient in the field. I'd appreciate any information. Thank you, Scott

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January 05, 2006


Jon Close
  I think SFX 200 is (was?) unique with respect to its extended red sensitivity. The only alternative would be a true IR film.
This link to another board has a statement purportedly from an Ilford rep that they will produce batches of SFX 200 once a year, next run probably ~March 2006. It still seems to be a current product on Ilford's website.

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January 05, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Here's a link to what's available lately at B&H.*&bhs=t&shs=infrared+film&image.x=10&image.y=4

I don't know how reliable the factory messages to their reps are these days. I wouldn't hold your breath on a March 06 production date.

I've used the Macophot IR film with a #47 very very dark red filter and it works quite well. I don't know what size you're looking for, but I don't think it's available in 35mm. Here's a description for the film anyway.

"Maco IR 820c and Maco Aura are medium-speed black-and-white films with panchromatic sensitization and infrared sensitization up to 850 nm. This infrared (IR) sensitization, reaching far beyond the visible range, allows for strong IR effects (black sky, wood effect).

While Maco IR 820c is provided with an anti-halation (AH) backing that effectively reduces light scattering in the emulsion and improves sharpness, this AH backing was omitted in the Maco Aura in order to create halos (or auras) which are often desired in IR photography."

Take it errr....light-like ;>)

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January 05, 2006

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