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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Overcast wet forest

My pentax K2 and I are going out today to some of the parks and waterfall in my area

Its abnormally mild here today and the snow has metled.Its overcast and just a bit foggy. I have a roll of normal kodak 800 ASA in my camera that I need to use up. Quedtion is.... should I use my light meter and go by it...or is there a tip or trick for where I should have my settings. I was always told f22 on a sunny day... maybe I should just start at an f8 and bracket it. Im actually trying to get a little longer exposure with some waterfall or creek in the lush green.

Type away
and thx

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January 05, 2006


doug Nelson
  Your gallery shows that you know what you're doing. Your light meter reads all of the scene but with emphasis on the middle. So unless a white-out sky takes up a lot of the image, go with your light meter. Remember that no lens gives its best image rendition with the aperture all the way open or closed down to f22. Select a middle aperture and let the shutter fall as the meter reads it. Try a shot or two where you want to emphazie a subject, throwing the background out of focus. Use a wide aperture, f2.8, f4, maybe, depending on your lens) and focus carefully on your subject. Your light meter will indicate a fairly fast shutter to compensate.

Stick to ASA 400 film outdoors, as 800 is used for available light work or indoors.

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January 05, 2006

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