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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What is the best F stop for a Pentax MOE Super

I have found this camera in the bottom of my stairs and I had this for a long time. The thing is I have forgot what F stop that it need to be on.

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January 01, 2006


Brendan Knell
  I depends on what you're shooting. If you're doing macro, for example, and you want the background blurred, use a larger one(smaller number). If you're doing a landscape and want everything in focus, do a smaller one(larger number).

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January 01, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Suzanne, Brendan has it a bit backwards.

F-stop is a measure of the size of the aperture, or hole, in the lens. A small f-stop implies a larger hole; a bigger number means a smaller hole. F2.8 is a wider (a/k/a 'faster") setting than f11.

Depth of field increases with a smaller aperture (i.e. - a larger number). The DOF at f11 is greaer than at f2.8, for a given focal length lens on a given camera.

Which f-stop you choose depends on what you want to accomplish: get everything (or as much as possible) in focus, from the flower in the foreground to the apple orchard in the background? Use a smaller aperture - f11, f16, whatever. Or, do you want the kid to be in sharp focus while the fence and other children 10 yards behind her to be blurred out, so as not to distract? Then use a faster setting.

WHen it comes to macro, DOF is already very very thin, so usually you want to use a higher f-stop to maximize what you can get.

Hope that helps...

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January 01, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  And even more into it, the f-number refers to the relationship between a lens' focal length and its maximum aperture diameter. 50mm lens with a 25mm maximum aperture= f2. 100mm lens w/ 35mm maximum aperture= f2.8, and so on.

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January 02, 2006

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