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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brad silcott

More Sunny 16 ?'s

I think I am getting a better understanding of the sunny 16 and grey gard thing. But I have heard some people say that the sunny 16 rule only works an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset. But kodak says two hours on there site. Which is it? and Does that apply for the use of a grey card also? I noticed today at about 4:15 (sun sets at about 5-5:15)that my grey card started reading F8 with 1/500th with a ISO of 400. Shoud I have trusted the card or stuck with sunny 16? Also the sunny 16 works with sunny skies and a front light subjet what about a side light? Does that affect anything?

I also would like to know about the grey card. I have heard some people say the you need to add 1 stop to the grey card reading when outdoors. Is that true?

Thanks so much,

Brad S.

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December 30, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  I've had my best success with the gray card during overcast days or when shooting in shade.
In bright sun, the reading you will get off the card can vary by a half-stop or more depending on what angle you're holding it.
Try to hold the card at 90 degrees to the film plane,...and in the same light as what you will be shooting.

The "sunny-16" rule applies to any mid-tone elements within a scene.
According to the rule, these mid-tones should look right, with the highlights over-exposed and the shadows under-exposed in proportion to the sun's intensity.
When bright sun prevails from the side, it will have the same effect on the exposure of the mid-tones but there will be more dark shadows.

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December 31, 2005

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