BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Liz M. Jensen

Getting Filmto a CD

Where's the best place to get ti done

mainly I only want them to show on here and to friends -- all bigger copies will be done w/ the negatives

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December 30, 2005


Michelle Ochoa
  Most regular one hour photo places will put low resolution images onto a CD (Sam's Club, Walmart, etc). I believe Mpix also has a service to put your images onto CD - which will kill two birds with one stone if you really want to get some good quality enlargements. Send them your film, and they'll post it to the site for you to choose your images.

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December 30, 2005


Liz M. Jensen
  so they are still ok enough quality then at Walmart and such

I'm getting my new camera next week and would love to show the pics off

but I cant afford a good scanner yet

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December 30, 2005


Michelle Ochoa
  The quality of the CD is really for email and web only. I don't know if they're good enough to use for contest submissions though. Check out mpix - I know you can send in your film and get a CD, but I'm not sure of the quality (I only use digital). Good luck!

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December 30, 2005


  Liz, I use a film camera, and I only get CD's now (so I won't have all those prints lying around). I get my CD's from walgreens & I have then turned around & used that to order from Mpix, (8x10's & 12x14's) and the quality is awesome. The only thing I encountered with this, is that walgreens has scratched my negatives on more than one occasion. So now, if I have more important photos, I get my CD from a more reputable place!
Hope this helps. Have a great day!

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December 30, 2005

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