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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brad silcott

18% Grey,Sunny 16 and photo issue.

I have a list of questions and a few concerns.

1. I don't have a grey card yet. I have am having one sent to me. For now I have a grey 8x10 sheet of foam. However not sure its 18% grey. Now the question is if I am outside with the sun behind me. I should with 400ISO shot at 1/500 with F16? if that be true then I can shoot a 1/1000 with F8? and If that be true then I can tell if my foam is 18% grey by holding the foam in the same light with sun behind me it should read F8 at 1/1000 right? IF all that be true then my foam is 18% grey!


2. I have a issue that I have noticed lately and it is bugging me. On some not all of my photos I have a area about 1/4 inch wide(for a 4x6) that is slightly darker than the rest of the photo. Would that be my shutter sticking? I will post photos later to show you what I am talking about.
My gear is a follows.

84' AE-1P with TOYO optics 75-200mm.

The photos in question where shot with the 75-200 @ 200mm with a shutter speed of 1/1000th with F5.6. I know not exposed properly. The vertical line is not visible of the negs. Which I know that means that it could be there just not very visible. I have noticed when I scan the photos the line becomes more noticable. Which was probly what happend when the photo was printed from the negative. But other that a issue with the shutter is there anything else that could cause that problem. Just as a side note. There was no converter or filter being used on the rolls in question.

Thanks for you help in advance

Brad S.
I will post a few of the photos soon.

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December 27, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Here is an answer to question number one. Check out this thread.

Thank you
Chris Walrath
Walrath Photogrpahic Imaging

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December 27, 2005


Brad silcott
  Thanks Chris that was extremely informative. So thats good news for me. If anyone out there can tackle question two that would be great as well. I still haven't had time to scan in the photo's in question. I am thinking that those darkened lines on the very edges could be if my shutter speed was too high with a wide open apeture like 5.6 when the lighting was to harsh is that possible? I now realize that day the correct exposure should have been 1/1000 with F8. and like I said I was at 1/1000 with F5.6. So what I am thinking is the cause of the two vertical darkend areas is from where the light was too intense for the settings and the edges of the shutter closing where seen because the appeture was wide open. I have poped open the back of the camera with no film of course and set the shutter speed to bulb and the shutter is not hanging up on anything. and it does not seem to be visible once open.

But if anyone can take a swing at question two I would owe ya one.

Thanks again Chris with question one. :):)

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December 28, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Also be careful about tripping the shutter with no film in the camera. Some cameras have a problem with the mirror randomly locking open and requires professional repair. I know, I do it myself to check my Minolta XGM film SLR because the shutter acts up occasionally but there is still a chance.

Christopher Walrath
Walrath Photographic Imaging

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December 28, 2005


Kevin Ekstrom
  Are you using some type of shade cover on your lens? If so, this could be the problem for question 2. Try a larger shade or no shade at all and see if you still have the problem.

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December 28, 2005


Brad silcott
  WOW! I didn't know that Chris thanks for the tip I hope there isn't any damage!

Kevin I was not using any shade. It was just me my camera the subjet and my lens. I had decided that day I was not going to use anything else. Most of the time I polarize everything. But at least for one day I wanted to shoot with just the basics.

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December 29, 2005

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