BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Peter Gray

Threads on prints

I have a 35-mm camera and usually get decent prints, but lately I have gotten back prints with various colored threads throughout the prints. When I complained and had them done over, the threads were removed from some prints, but appeared on others. I was told this might be due to the fibers on the edge of the film roll, but if so, why do the threads change when I have them done over? I do not see them on the negative. Any ideas on what I can do?

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December 25, 2005


robert G. Fately
  Their answer surely does seem suspicious, Peter - after all, if it were something on your negatives the effect should be consistent.

I would think this is due to some contaminant in their equipment - perhaps some fiber near the lens of their scanner or printer (depending on what kind of equipment they use). And I would think any competant tech would know that - the excuse they gave makes me wonder if this is some shlocky discount kiosk at the store whose employees are minimum wage earners with no training or interest in photography.

Perhaps if you take your negatives to a different lab to have a couple printed up - then return to the original place and show the manager (not the pimply-faced kid behind the counter who could care less about your concern) that these mysterious threads don't appear - the manager will get on the ball, have the equipment cleaned, then reprint your batch free.

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December 26, 2005


Peter Gray
  Thanks. That is what I was thinking of doing.
The shame is that the photos are usually good, and my alternative seems to be the chains that I hear bad things about: Kmart, CVS, Walgreens. This was about the only neighborhood place that still develops film. Oh, well.

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December 26, 2005

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