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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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BetterPhoto Member

Beseler 23c will not focus

Just restored a beseler 23c. looks and works great but one problem. It will not focus. When the image is almost focused the bellows are at the top of their travel. Any ideas anyone?

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December 21, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Scott: So, is this like a 23C or 23C II? Shouldn't matter, just curious.

If you rack the bellows and lens all the way down, does any part of the image at any size come into focus? If so, you might make sure you're using the right lens for the right format of negative. Also, ensure the baseboard is perfectly flat, on a flat surface and that the enlarger head, with the condensers (properly installed of course and resting flat in the housing) is perfectly square and paralell to the baseboard.

Assuming you're using a glassless carrier, it should be closed completely on the negative and the negative itself needs to be perfectly flat. If it's a glass carrier, make sure of the same things.
See if any of these things help.

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December 21, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  One other thing: My response assumes that you're not just running the head up the rail to focus, but you're using the fine-focus adjustment at the base of the lamp head, right?

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December 21, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I have something that may be similar. This is an enlarger we're talking about, right? Well, I've got an old Opemus 6x6 with the glass in the negative holder and I can focus fine with the 50mm lens, but when I put in the 35mm lens to be able to make bigger enlargements, it won't focus. If there's another lens, try that one maybe. Just pretty much saying that I have the same problem when trying to make bigger prints.

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December 22, 2005

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