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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

B&W Darkroom with Color Negatives

Hey! This is playing off of being able to make black and white prints from color negatives at labs. Is it possible to be able to use just normal black and white enlargers in a darkroom to make normal black and white prints from color negatives? I didn't know if the color of the negatives might act like a safelight? It's probably too bright I guess. I noticed a section on B&H under it's description of the enlarger I asked for for christmas, the Beseler Cadet II for 35mm that it has a "filter drawer for 3 x 3" color printing or variable contrast filters." What does this mean? I have the variable contrast filter but I don't assume that this means that it's possible to print color with CYM filters, is it? I know it'd take more than the standard black and white stuff after an exposure, plus a different safelight if one is used. OR, are these filters for printing off of color negatives?



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December 21, 2005


Justin G.
  Andrew you can, but usually they are gonna come out a little flat, with lack of contrast. Get some polycontrast paper and some contrast filters and you can adjust the contrast on your images. Kodak's Polycontrast III & IV are GREAT papers and probably my favorites to print on. With the filters you will have to adjust your exposure though, as the higher the contrast filter, the darker it will get. It's just like using filters on the camera, there's exposure compensations for it, but it's really not hard.

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December 21, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  You're talking about color printing right? I've been doing black and white for a little while now and got an A on my final project for last semester so that went well. Just incase you weren't sure what I'm talking about or I'm not sure by what you said, I have what I need for black and white but I wanted to see if I could make color prints with the black and white enlarger since it says you can use color printing filters too? I thought you needed a dichroic (sp?) enlarger to print color?

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December 21, 2005


Justin G.
  ooooh I thought you meant using a B&W enlarger for a color negative on B&W paper. for color printing, i've never done it but you need a color head and i'm guessing the color filters could only help.

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December 21, 2005

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