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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


High Speed Color Print Film

I have a situation that is outdoors, still-life, and low light, limited flash use due to location. Any suggestions on a color print film? 99% of my work is with black and white, just not sure what to use for color print in low light.
Thanks much
Bill J

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December 15, 2005


robert G. Fately
  Bill, Fuji makes a 1600 speed print film that can even be pushed a stop to 3200. It's grainy, as you'd expect - and I definitely suggest that you get it processed in a pro lab rather than the local photo kiosk.

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December 15, 2005


Justin G.
  Bill you didn't mention if you have a tripod or not. It's its a still-life and isn't moving, you should be ok with 100 speed. Just pop on your tripod and use the self-timer and you'll have a great quality photo with no grain. Kodak makes a Portra 800 which is very nice, don't know if it's the speed you need though.

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December 15, 2005


  Thanks so much, think I will pick up a roll of each and do a trial run. I graduated from U. of Maine and Maine Photo Workshops and learned from some of the best how to make B&W "sing". This type of color photo is on the new side for me.
Bill J
Yes, I do have a tripod and sand bags.
Should be able to use the sandbags.

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December 15, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Bill. Try Agfa Optima 100 ISO. It's color saturation is excellent and it handles time exposures well with little reciprocity failure unless you get up in the over one minute range.

Take it light.

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December 15, 2005

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