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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Don Curry

Slide enlargement

I have a 35mm slide of a waterfall I would like to enlarge to 30 X 40. It was taken on a tripod with a N90S using Velvia 100 and a Nikkor 35 X 70 2.8. It appears to be very sharp. Is it possible for the print to have good quality enlarged to this size?

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December 15, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  It Can Be Interpolated In Ps In 10% Increments To Achieve The Desired Print Size,And Then Burned To A Disc And Printed Off The Disc Don;-)

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December 15, 2005


Don Curry
  Sorry Terry, you just went way over my head. Can you dumb it down some for me. Thanks for your response.

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December 15, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Go to The Slideprinter at You'll find their services and prices.

I find them to be a quality service and reasonably prices.

Note, I'm assuming you'd send them your slide. However, they do offer a diigital file print service too.

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December 15, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  The Slide Would Have To Be Scanned To Your Computer At About A 4000dpi Rating, This Will Give You A Nice File Size,Interpolation Means You Are Adding Extra Pixels To That File Size That You Scanned So You Can Print It That Large,It Has To Be Done In Smaller Increments, {ie Adding A Little Milk To The Glass Each Time Until It Is Full) Or Your Favorite Beverage:-)
Once This Is Accomplished Then You Can Write The File To A Cd Or DVD And Take It To Your Professional Printer And Have The Print Made.
Or Some Of The Film Guys That Post In The Q&A Could Have A Better Alternative For You, Sit Tight They Will Arrive Shortly:-)

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December 15, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  My advice would be to examine the slide carefully on a light table with a good loupe or take it to a lab which does enlargements from slides and ask them to examine it and give you their assessment.

Not all 35 mm slides enlarge well to "poster size" of 30"X40" and beyond.
The fine-grain pattern of Velvia 100 should be able to handle the enlargement OK but there are other factors involved:
-At what range of your Nikkor zoom was the shot taken? (The mid-range focal lenghts would be a bit sharper.)
-At what aperture was the shot taken? (The wider settings produce shallower depth of field,...not real flattering on an enlarged scenic.)
-Was the focus and exposure right on?...(Very important when enlarging.)

These factors are all worth considering, since the bigger you go...the more pronounced any deficiencies in the original slide will become apparent.

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December 15, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Don: If you take the slide to a professional lab, they can also do a 4x5" internegative which is basically a duplicate of your 35mm slide on large film (not transparency) stock. From that, they can make Type C prints in about any size you want and it should hold its resolution.


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December 15, 2005

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