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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Justin G.

Studio Lights

I'm getting ready to dump about $2,000 into a light setup. I shoot with an RB67 (I know the camera is kinda irrelevant but I dunno). Anyways I'm looking at the Alienbees Busy Bee Package and I'm wondering if this is the best bang for my buck. I'll be getting a 4 light setup, all lights 1600 w/s totaling a 6400 w/s setup. This is pretty powerful and seems to be a good bang for the buck, especially for Paul C. Buff. If anyone else knows of a 4 light setup that's equally powerful or more that could make recommendations, that'd be sooo helpful. I really don't know how to shop for this kind of thing.


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December 05, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
sent you a email on some lights.
I do hope you get it and it helps,

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December 05, 2005


Justin G.
  hey Deb thanks so much! I do appreciate it, this holiday season has been so hectic, I do hope you understand. Going to send you an email back or give you a call sometime this week. :-)

Anyone else have any personal recommendations?

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December 05, 2005


Justin G.
  I just read but didn't understand that there is a difference between w/s and the actual light strength. Can anyone tell me the difference, I really don't want to go wrong here. Basically at around i'm guessing 10 feet or so I want to be able to shoot at f/16 if possible. any ideas?

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December 05, 2005

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