BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Tina Bryan


I am just starting out. I have been asked to take some portrait. But I would like to send the film to a good developer, since there is no place for me to go around here. And I am not sure what companies are out there, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thanks T

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November 29, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  You didn't say whether you'll shoot slides or prints. If slides, go to The Slideprinter in Denver, CO. They have a web site with prices, etc. And, since they've been forced to scan slides and print via machine, they may handle digital files.

If you're locked into film check with a professional in your area - and him/her what photo finisher s/he uses.

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November 29, 2005


Tina Bryan
  Thank you John.
I will shoot prints, I would love to ask someone in my area but that the problem. There is no one in our area. I live 65 mile to the closest town and no one developes there except Walmart. So I am kind of looking for something online.

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November 29, 2005


Kerry L. Walker

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November 29, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Aside from Kerry's recommendation, you might also take a look at Their main lab is on Magnolia in Burbank, CA. They handle all types of printing and processing, b&w, color and transparency film by mail, UPS, Fedex, etc. Their work is excellent and prices are reasonable. Gamma Photo in Chicago is also an excellent lab that works remotely by mail, etc.

Incidentally, you should of course build the cost of the lab into your shoot fee, right???

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November 29, 2005

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