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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta


Hey everybody. I'm going to be needing to get some stuff for displaying my photos for my final project in darkroom photo 1. I'm not sure if you can do this the same with every other kind of print or not but here goes. With the silver gelatin prints I would like to know what goes into drymounting and matting photos. I guess there's some kind of tissue paper that's like glue, a mounting board, and a matte? Is that all I need for what I plan to do?

Now, what I plan to do is print all 10 photos for this project in a 5x5 square format. Then I wanted to use a black matte (or would white be better or is it whatever goes best with the image?) to cover up the white paper around the actual 5x5 image. Then would I dry mount the photo to a mounting board? Actually I guess I would dry mount it to the board before I would put the matte down? Then I guess I would also cut the mounting board and matte to about 8x8 inches? The machine is in the classroom so I don't need that.

Is this how it works or am I missing something? We haven't had the "workshop" on this yet and our instructor is waiting until a week from tomorrow to go over this and with the end of the semester approaching, I don't want to wait for that.


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November 28, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  If you must dry mount with tissue and a heat press, so be it. But, you can get great results using a spray adhesive available from better camera stores. My large can cost $20, but I've already mounted 15 or more 8X10's with no end of spray in sight.

The color of the outer mat is a matter of personal preference that, sometimes, can be influenced by the picture itself. You can purchase mat board white surface over black core or black surface over white core, white over white and black over black. Once, again, which to use will depend of the image and the effect your seeking.

Note if you use the spray adhesive, you can leave a whit border aroung your picture and mount on black mat board. That might be your easiest move.

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November 29, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Andrew: To save yourself a lot of time, aggravation and having to reprint, take a look at for pre-made pre-cut mats in different formats including the style you noted.

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November 30, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Light Impressions is good - but, in addition to cost, they usually sell
stock sizes." They also have a limited selection of colors, if that's important.

When I print my images the largest I can make is 10.5 X 8 due to printer limitations. So, sometimes I have a print that is 10.5 X 7.2 and the stock window mat won't work.

A sheet of mat board [40 X 32] costs about $5.00; high quality, acid-free board goes for $11-12.00 for the same size board. You can get 6 11 X 14 or 12 X 16 boards from such a sheet. Can't beat the price and you only need a straight edge and box cutter if you use the apray adhesive. EASY!

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December 02, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I found that there was a place nearby that sold mat board so I checked it out. I ended up getting a board of black and a board of what I remember to be slightly off white. Then I got some linen tape which was recommended by a guy that works there who used to be in a framing a matting business for a while. The tape is like a stamp and needs to be dabbed with a wet sponge or something before it gets sticky but I think it sounds good. Now all I need to do is manage to cut the window out. I've got a untility knife and a long metal ruler.

The cool thing is that they cut it for me for 25 cents a cut. I figured I'd let them cut it all for a few bucks since they had their special stuff on a big table. The window is still going to be a pain.


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December 02, 2005

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