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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

zur deep

aperture size

I have canon k2 kit camera with 28-80 zoom. I noticed the lowest aperture setting is 4.0 Is there anyway I can lower is further? if I change new, will it change the aperture setting to lower number? because I think aperture is in lenses?
i will appreciate reply.

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November 23, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Make sure that your lens is at 28mm, and that may let you get a smaller number(larger aperature). You are correct, the aperature is in the lens, so you could buy a new lens with a lower aperature. Just make sure that the lens you buy does have a lower aperature.

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November 23, 2005


Jon Close
  The maximum aperture (smallest f-number) is a property of the specific lens mounted.

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November 24, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  What is F-Stop?

The f-stop number is a mathematic ratio between the focal length of the lens and the diameter of its widest aperture opening. If you have a 50mm lens and its maximum aperture is 1/2 inch in diameter (12.7mm) then that is a four to one ratio. A maximum aperture factor of 4 or a maximum f-stop of 4. A 28mm wide angle lens with a max aperture of 14 or 14mm would be f2. Maximum apertures are not ALWAYS exact. They are rounded to the nearest average opening number such as 1.4 to 1, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16 and so on. If you have a 28mm lens with a manufactured maximum aperture diameter of 16mm, then your maximum f-stop is actually a smidge over f2.1. This is then rounded down to f2 even though at this aperture you will underexpose you film by about 1/20th of a stop for a scene metered at f2. Hardly a concern, being off by only a 20th of a stop and hardly worth experimentation to discern how much this might affect your exposure.

Walrath Photographic Imaging

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November 24, 2005

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