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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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BetterPhoto Member

Looking for an Owners Manual-Vivitar 3800N

I recently purchased a gently used, nearly mint condition Vivitar 3800N (V3800N) 35mm SLR (my first :)) however it did not come with an owners manual. Consequently I am at a loss of what type of batteries it uses, or even how to open the door to load the film. Quite a frustrating beginning into the world of SLR photography. So what I am looking for is a good source or someone who has this camera and would be willing to e-mail or send me a copy of it. I've tried a number of online manual resouces, but have come up empty handed. Any help would most certainly be appreciated. Thank you!

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November 22, 2005


Will Turner
  The 3800N is one of a series of similar cameras made by Cosina (I think) and rebadged for sale under various names over the years, Yashica FX-3 Super 2000, Promaster, Nikon FM-10, Chinon, etc. They have a mechanical shutter, use K-mount Pentax manual lenses, use 2 SR44 coin batteries, and the film door is opened by pulling straight up on the film rewind knob on the top left of the camera body. The lightmeter (3 LED lights inside the viewfinder) is usually activated by pulling the film advance lever out partway and depressing shutter button halfway.

You could try buying or begging a manual from a dealer who sells these cameras, like Most any manual for the Yashica FX-3 Super 2000, Nikon FM-10 etc. should provide about the same basic operating information, with a few discrepancies.

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November 23, 2005

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