BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Angie M. Nemanic


I am taking my friends photo indoors. I do not have light so I plan to use my flash. I'm' worried that the photos will be very flat since I won't have any additional lights for a backlight or sidelight. Any suggestions on how to take a nice portrait indoors with a flash.


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November 16, 2005


Jon Close
  If you only have a camera's built-in flash there isn't much you can do beyond having the room well lit, use the red-eye reduction feature (if your camera has it), and keep your subject away from a wall/backdrop so that the flash shadow isn't too harsh.

With an flash in the hotshoe with a head that can be tilt-swiveled for bounce - do that. Attach a white index card to the back of the flash but extending beyond the flash head several inches. This will direct some fill or "catch light" to your subject to keep from getting flat lighting and shadowed eye sockets.

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November 17, 2005

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