BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Ashley M. Briguglio

how to fix shutter release on canon ae-1

My shutter release doesn't work. it won't even let me take a picture. I push it and nothing happens. How do I fix this?
Als, I think I have a light leak or something because my film has overexposure inbetween frames. It is not every fram, but enough to destroy good shots.

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November 15, 2005


Jon Close
  No offense, but I always start with the obvious: (1) Have you checked the battery? The shutter of the AE-1 is 100% electronic. (2) Make sure the shutter lock lever around the shutter button is set to "A". Set to "L" locks shutter (is the "off" switch). (3) Make sure the film advance lever was cranked for a complete stroke. A "half-stroke" will not cock the shutter.

Overexposure between the frames probably is a light leak.

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November 15, 2005


Ashley M. Briguglio
  thanx for the tip. I didn't know the shutter was connected to the battery.

I figured it was a light leak. Could it leak through the battery compartment, because all I got is tape over it.

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November 17, 2005

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