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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Best Resolution to Scan 35 mm Negatives


I have close to 100 number of 35mm Negatives. Planning to convert all the negatives into digital format.

My questions are:
1. Planning to scan it in TIFF format, is there any other best formats?

2. Can I do a group/bulk conversion from TIFF into JPG?

3. What is the resolution do I have to scan the image, since a service provider is going to do that.

4. Does anyone know a service provider who can do this in Chennai/ Bangalore in India.


Prasanna KV

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November 15, 2005


doug Nelson
  Be sure your provider uses a FILM scanner, not a flatbed, for this service you are paying good money for. Film scanners these days scan at 4000 pixels per inch, the Minolta at 5400. If your provider uses a scanner with this capability, tell him to scan at the highest resolution the scanner can do. Older generation scanners scanned at about 2700 ppi, which gives an 8 x 12 image at 300 ppi. This may be enough for your needs. Ask for TIF files.

Keep the TIFs as archive copies, and to make prints. You can do a batch conversion to jpeg, but only if you want to post them somewhere like betterphoto or send them as email attachments. Otherwise, jpeg has no other use. Don't batch process the sharpening of your jpegs, as each will need careful sharpening using Unsharp Mask.

Try to find out the provider's level of expertise in tonal and color correction. If he will be giving you a straight scan with no correction, he should be giving you the scan in high-bit color. These are huge files, but worth the trouble. You can do your own tonal and color correction with minimal damage to the file by working in high bit, THEN going down to 8-bit. When dropping down to 8-bit, the file size will drop by half.

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November 15, 2005

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