BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


Hi - I'm in a situation where I need to come up with a contract. A photograph of mine will be used for a book cover. Is it in my best interest to come up with the contract myself or ask the publisher to create one? If the publisher does not have one already, should I bring up the topic? From my understaning, without the contract the publisher has very limited usage rights. I would like to play fair and make sure that the publisher understands what rights are being transferred and also avoid any disputes in the future. Any ideas? This would be my first time doing this kind of transaction. Thank you!!!

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November 08, 2005


Justin G.
  All assumptions here b/c I really don't know but I would assume that a publisher being the stature they are would have the contracts. I would also assume that they've done this before so they should have everything needed. but then again we all know what assuming does. makes an @$$ out of U and Me.

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November 08, 2005


Justin G.
  All assumptions here b/c I really don't know but I would assume that a publisher being the stature they are would have the contracts. I would also assume that they've done this before so they should have everything needed. but then again we all know what assuming does. makes an @$$ out of U and Me.

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November 08, 2005

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