BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


Hi guys,,,,wonder if anyone can help me....i have been asked to photograph a band playing in black and white but its in quite a dark bar/pub. can anyone give me some idea of what type/speed film I should be using for this?
Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

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November 08, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  Kodak TMAX P3200. There are some other brands that make the same speed of black and white film but I've never used them. These are traditional black and white films so you won't be able to get them processed at a drugstore or similar place without them having to send it out. They might not even be able to do that depending on where you go. Be aware that the grain will be pretty strong.

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November 08, 2005

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