BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

over/underexposed photographs

I have two Minolta cameras. I really just play at photography. I was fairly good in college, but that was 15 years ago and now two children later I am trying to get back into it. Things were going well until I did I don't know what.....every photograph I have taken on the last probably six or seven rolls of film have come out over and underexposed on the same photograph. For example...half of the picture is bright and the other half is so dark you can barely see it. Also the whole photograph is grainy. What am I doing??????????


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November 06, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Was this happening on both cameras or just one?
Is it possible to post an example?

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November 06, 2005


  Did you use your flash when taking all these photos? If so, sounds like your shutter speed was too fast for your flash ie, flash sync speed. Check your manual to ensure you don't sent your shutter speed higher than the recommended flash sync speed, otherwise you will get half a dark photo and half a light photo.

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November 06, 2005

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