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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Photographing Large Groups of People

It seems that when I am photographing large groups of people. I am getting the ones in front in focus, and the ones just a little behind them are slightly out of focus. I know about the depth of field and everything, and on my camera, I am using my AV mode and setting my own aperture. However, the lighting outdoors is a slight problem. When I move it up to a smaller aperture - such as f/11 instead of f/5.6 - my shutter speed drops down to 20th or 30th sec., sometimes 40th. What else do I need to be doing?

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November 05, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Use a tripod and take four or five shots. One of them is bound to have little or no discernable movement.
Walrath Photographic Imaging

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November 06, 2005


John Rhodes
When shooting under less than perfect lighting conditions, compensate with your camera's controls. To get a faster shutter time with an aperture that allows sufficient DOF, you can increase the ISO setting until the shutter speed is fast enough if you must handhold the camera. The best solution, as Christopher said, is to use a tripod and a shutter release (electronic or cable).

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November 06, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Don't focus on someone in the front row! And, remember to tell everyone that, if they can't see the camera's lens, it can see them!

Also, tell everyone you're shooting on the count of three and fire at two!

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November 08, 2005


  Thanks everyone for the great advice. I will try all of it.

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November 08, 2005

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